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Farewell Ross Whelan

28 Oct 2023



Farewell Ross Whelan

On Saturday 28th October Alison Shaw and Tom Hassall attended the THAC Gala dinner to farewell Ross Whelan, retiring Principal of Thomas Hassall Anglican College (THAC).

Full details:

Ross was presented with the Hassall book – a very fitting gift. It was a pleasure and real thrill for both of us to represent the Hassall family by attending this wonderful event. Carmen and team presented the evening beautifully, with class and finesse.

The speeches said it all, showing that Ross has always been caring, driven and a visionary. His relaxed style and passion was obvious throughout his teaching career. When it came to the Hassall segment the 400 guest were silent and wanted to hear about the Hassall family as the MC introduced us with an air of excitement. Ross Whelan was touched at our presence at his farewell. Tom and I spoke with Karen Easton, new THAC Principal, who is keen to continue the working relationship with the Hassall family.

This is the text of the speech on behalf of our Association - by Alison Shaw:

Thomas Hassall and I, both Hassall descendants, are delighted to be here this evening. We are here on behalf of the Hassall Family History Association to thank Ross Whelan for his enduring support for our Hassall activities, and to wish him well with his future plans and adventures.

The Hassall Family History Group was established in 1993 to organise a Bicentennial Event in 1998 celebrating the arrival of Rowland and Elizabeth Hassall in Sydney in 1798. Thomas Hassall was then 3 years Alison Shaw and Tom Hassall presenting gift to Ross Whelan (at left) 3 old. That bicentenary was held at venues in Camden, Parramatta and Cobbitty – a couple of years before the Thomas Hassall Anglican College was established.

When Ross became College Principal in 2007 he continued the collaboration with our Hassall Family Association that had been established by his predecessor, Brian Cowling. In 2013, upon the retirement of our founding secretary David N.H. Hassall, Ross played a major role in ensuring that our Hassall work continued. His personal encouragement, his offer of College support for the printing and distribution of our newsletter, and the future use of the Campus for our Hassall Family events, were crucial factors in our decision to press ahead.

How fitting it was for us to gather 180 Hassall descendants at the College last May in a celebration of the Hassall family’s 225 years in Australia. Using your college and hearing Ross speak with passion of the history of the Hassalls, made our reunion even more memorable. Tonight, we also celebrate ten years of collaboration with Principal Whelan. We know that Ross saw in the Hassall Heritage of the 18th and 19th centuries the same pioneering spirit that launched the Thomas Hassall Anglican College in the 21st Century. He saw, too, a common thread in values and faith. For these reasons we are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to be here this evening to express our thanks to Ross and to the College.

We hope that he will continue as an honorary member of our Hassall Association and that our collaboration with the College continues to build on this aspect of his legacy. Ross - Thomas and I would like to present you with a small gift - a token of the Hassall family’s appreciation and gratitude. Thank you.

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