Saturday Overview - Day 2: 6 May
All sessions at THAC - guest speakers, family line meet-ups and an overview of the current projects and research. Whole group and family line photos were taken. The day ifinished with a reprisal of the pageant from the 200 year reunion - The Triple Wedding.
Saturday’s daytime activities are all at the Thomas Hassall Anglican College at Middleton Grange. The program includes guest speakers, talks on current projects, and break-out sessions at which you can meet other members of your “family line”.
There will be a photographer to take pictures of the whole family group.
8:30 am Registration opens.
Collect complimentary Hassall Reunion bag, name tag and purchased Memorabilia.
10:00 am
Acknowledgement of Country Welcome to Thomas Hassall Anglican College - Ross Whelan – Principal
Reply and Introductory Remarks - Dr Graham Hassall, HFHA Chair
Musical Interlude - Matilda Hassall
10:30 First keynote speaker: Professor Anna Johnston
Origin Stories: Rowland and Elizabeth Hassall and the emergence of Australian settler society - Professor Anna Johnston, University of Queensland.
12 - 1:00 pm Lunch - Food vans
1:00 - 1:45 Family Line Sessions
1:45 - 2pm - Group Photo
2:00 - 3:00pm Second Keynote speaker: Professor Tanya Evans:
The Benefits of Family History: some surprising suggestions for Hassall descendants.
3:00-3:30pm Afternoon tea
3:30 - 4:15pm Breakout sessions for projects:
Hassall Heritage – John Brooks E1
Genealogy – Richard Clarke D1
Research – Graham Hassall D2
Transcription – Roselyn Vaughan E2
Historical Perspectives: The Hassalls and First Nations people – Danielle, Mary and William Hassall E3
4:30-6:00pm Hassall Family Pageant: The Triple Wedding
Photos at Keynote talks - https://www.hassall.net.au/photos-at-thac-day-2
Group photos - https://www.hassall.net.au/photos-and-recordings
The Pageant - https://www.hassall.net.au/pageant-the-triple-wedding