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Reunion - 225 Years in Australia

5-8 May 2023

The Hassall Family History Association organised a reunion in May 2023 to mark 225 years since the arrival of Rowland and Elizabeth Hassall in Sydney in 1798. The main programme was on the weekend of Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th May, and there are also optional events on Friday 5th and Monday 8th. 


The Reunion provides a once in a generation opportunity to connect with relatives spread across the vast expanse of Australasia (we anticipate members from New Zealand as well as Australia), and to gain a sense of this family’s role in these two countries from the early 1800s to the present time.



Camden, Cobbitty, Narellan

Friday activities include a self-drive tour of historic sites. Travel to Cobbitty, Camden and Narallen to see Denbigh, St Pauls, Hassall Cottage, and Camden Museum. 

Attend the welcome reception at Phive early evening.


Parramatta Streets and Cemetery

Walking tour of Parramatta including Hassall Street and the St John's Cemetery. 

Attend the Service at St John's in the afternoon followed by afternoon tea.


THAC Thomas Hassall Anglican College

All sessions at THAC - guest speakers, family line meet-ups and an overview of the current projects and research. Whole group and family line photos were taken. The day ifinished with a reprisal of the pageant from the 200 year reunion - The Triple Wedding.


O'Connell Plains or Windsor NSW

Optional tours to O'Connell Plains and Bathurst, or Windsor in NSW.

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